How To Know If The Kids’ Hiking Boots Are Comfortable

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There’s nothing quite like exploring the great outdoors with your kids. Hiking offers a chance to bond with nature, get some exercise, and create lasting memories. But a grumpy child with uncomfortable boots can quickly turn a fun adventure into a frustrating ordeal.

Here’s the good news: with a little know-how, you can ensure your kids’ hiking boots provide the comfort they need to conquer any trail.

Fit is Important

The most important component in comfort is correct fit. Unlike adults, children’s feet are still developing, so getting the proper size and form is critical. Here are some important points to remember:

  • Measure Twice, Buy Once: Do not rely on guesswork. Ask the kids to stand on a sheet of paper and trace their feet. Measure the distance between the longest toe and the rear of the heel. Use a brand-specific sizing chart, but add a thumb-width to the sketched outline to provide for sufficient toe wiggle room.
  • The Wiggle Test: Have your child stand with their boots laced loosely and wiggle their toes. There should be minimal movement, but no excessive flopping. When walking on tiptoes, the heel should feel snug and not lift out.
  • Sock Check: When trying on kids’ hiking shoes, make sure that your kid is wearing the socks they will use on walks. Thick hiking socks can add bulk, so consider that while determining fit.
  • Ankle Support: Look for boots that provide adequate ankle support, particularly on rough terrain. However, avoid inflexible boots, as they might limit natural movement and cause discomfort.

Feeling the Flex

Flexibility is another key element of comfort.  Kids’ feet are naturally bendy, so rigid boots can cause blisters and fatigue.  Here’s how to test for proper flex:

  • The Bend Test: Hold the toe box and heel of the boot when unlaced and gently bend the sole.  There should be some give in the ball of the foot to allow for natural mobility while walking and climbing.
  • The Walking Test: Encourage your child to walk around the store wearing the boots.  Inquire about how their feet feel and observe their gait.  Do they appear confined or awkward?

Material Matters

The materials used in trekking shoes can significantly impact comfort.  Here’s a breakdown of common materials and their pros and cons:

  • Leather: Durable, water-resistant, and provides enough ankle support. However, leather boots can be heavier and require more time to break in.
  • Synthetic Materials: Lighter in weight, often water-resistant or waterproof, and may break in more quickly than leather. However, certain synthetic materials can be less breathable, resulting in moist feet.
  • Mesh Panels: Allow for breathability, which is especially helpful in warmer weather. Look for boots that combine materials to get the best of both worlds.

Blister Prevention Tips

Even the best-fitting boots can cause blisters, especially on longer hikes.  Here are some additional tips to keep your child’s feet blister-free:

  • Socks Matter: Choose moisture-wicking socks made of wool or synthetic fabrics that are specifically developed for trekking. Avoid cotton socks, which tend to absorb moisture.
  • Double Up: For extra friction protection, consider wearing liner socks under heavier hiking socks.
  • Break Them In: Do not take your child directly from the store to a long hike. Allow children to wear their shoes for hiking for brief walks around the neighborhood so that the materials soften and their feet can acclimate.
  • Second Skin: Before a hike, apply a lubricant such as petroleum jelly to blister-prone regions.


By prioritizing comfort, you can ensure your child’s next hike is filled with fun and exploration. Remember, a well-fitting, comfortable boot is an investment in happy memories and a lifelong love for the outdoors. So, take your time, prioritize comfort, and get ready to hit the trails with a happy little hiker!

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